database where design button for reports is grayed out - how open



We have an access database created by someone no longer with us. The
database seems to be locked down. How do we get the design buttons in
reports, module and forms to work.

Scott McDaniel

We have an access database created by someone no longer with us. The
database seems to be locked down. How do we get the design buttons in
reports, module and forms to work.

The database is probably compiled to the .mde format, which means you cannot edit these items. You'd need to locate the
..mdb file which was used to make the .mde file and make your design changes there.

Scott McDaniel


It has an mdb extension so unless the individual renamed the file from mde
back to mdb - they have locked the design buttons in another matter. We can
design queries and tables so this leads me to believe it is not an mde.

Gina Whipp

In any .mde you can create tables and queries but nothing else... And yes,
you can rename your .mde back to a .mdb. Perhaps, this was a DISgruntled
employee and this was his/her way of 'getting even'?

Scott McDaniel

It has an mdb extension so unless the individual renamed the file from mde
back to mdb - they have locked the design buttons in another matter. We can
design queries and tables so this leads me to believe it is not an mde.

You can always design Tables and Queries, even in an .mde file. Do you have to login to the database? If so, then
there's always the possibility that your employee implemented User Level Security and removed design permissions ... if
that's the case, then you can try logging in with the default system.mdw file (most devs don't correctly secure the
database, and this may be your easiest way out). To do that, buid a shortcut with this as the Target:

"full path to msaccess.exe" "full path to your database" /wrkgrp "full path to system.mdw"

If that doesn't work, and you still believe that your db is secured, then you can always resort to one of the password
crackers on the internet ... just search for "ms access password crack" for more hits than you know what to do with ...

Scott McDaniel

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