Database Wizard P*****G me off



I have run the Database wizard in FP2003 so that a database that is being
written to can also be edited all the pages are built, I can add, report &
delete records but when I try to edit a record I get an error message in the
webpage -

Database Results Wizard Error
Description: Syntax error in UPDATE statement.
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine

One or more form fields were empty. You should provide default values for
all form fields that are used in the query.

Can anyone help with this very frustrating wizard problem!?



Kevin Spencer

In the SQL language, which the DRW uses to perform database operations, as
the language is pure text, data types are defined by punctuation in the SQL
Statement. Numeric values are not delimited. Text values are delimited by
single quotes. In Access, dates are delimited by "#" characters. A typical
UPDATE statement might look like the following:

UPDATE SomeTable SET SomeTextField = 'Some Value', SomeNumericField = 5

The DRW plugs in the values from, in this case, a form. If a form containing
a numeric value is blank, the SQL Statement will look like the following:

UPDATE SomeTable SET SomeTextField = 'Some Value', SomeNumericField =

Hence, the syntax error. And hence, the message that indicates one or more
form fields were blank.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

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