


Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel when i open word i always get a message telling me there is a problem with my database. i go to database utility, repair it, it tells me all is repaired. i reopen word, same message that i need to repair the database.
when i open word it asks me each time if i want the application "microsoft" to accept incoming network connections, I answer yes but it asks me same question again on opening there a way to do it once and for all?
thnaks for advice/help/suggestions


should add that under apple security/firewall item i have "automatically allowed signed software to receive incoming connection" and that entourage, word , excel, pp are in "allow incoming connection" mode. it seems my instructions to allow incoming connections and database corrections are not obeyed.

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Intel when i open word i always get a message telling me there is a
problem with my database. i go to database utility, repair it, it tells
me all is repaired. i reopen word, same message that i need to repair
the database.

The preferences for the database utility are probably corrupted. You
can try trashing them to see if the problem then goes away.
when i open word it asks me each time if i want the application
"microsoft" to accept incoming network connections, I answer
yes but it asks me same question again on opening there a way
to do it once and for all?
thnaks for advice/help/suggestions

Tha's a different question. I've had that as well and it's related to a
corrupted pref in the System,
I cleared it by going to the System preferences, and in Security, I
deleted Word from the list of approved applications for the firewall.
I then manually re-added it to the list and the problem was gone.



comment je fais pour trasher les preferences du database utility? est-ce qqchose qui va me manquer ensuite?

Corentin Cras-Méneur

comment je fais pour trasher les preferences du database utility?
est-ce qqchose qui va me manquer ensuite?

Il ne manquera rien du tout. Je ne sais même pas à quoi servent ces
Je ne me souviens plus du nom précis du fichier, mais en général, et
pour gagner du temps, je me rend dans le dossier
~/Bibliothèque/Preferences et j'utilise la recherche rapide en haut à
droite pour rechercher « database » (par nom) dans le dossier
Les options se restreignent rapidement :)
Le fichier doit s'appeler quelque chose comme


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