databound picturebox

  • Thread starter Dsperry101 via
  • Start date

Dsperry101 via

Hello ,
I'm trying to convert an older VB5 app and access database to VB6 and
access 2000.
It references a database called bells.mdb.
The original program used a picturebox and databinding to the database to
display and allow edits to the database.
I've tried many different things to get it to work but I'm missing
On an mt form I place a picture box then I drop a data control on the
picturebox. I set the datasource of the data control to the bells.mdb
database and set the recordset to the only table in the database. I then
change the property of the picturebox datasource to the data control ie.
What am I missing ?
When the older program runs the bells database pops right into the
picturebox and allows you to edit the data .
Lets say I just want to edit a database's table data with a databound
picturebox. Is this possible with VB6 and access 2000 without coding ?

Dan S

Douglas J. Steele

While your data may be stored in a Jet database, your issue is really with
Visual Basic, not with Access.

Try one of the VB newsgroups, such as microsoft.public.vb.controls.databound

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