
How can i use datagrid control to display data in tabular format and lock
columns as desired.



Thanks for your artcicle and example.

please let me know how can i display data in the datagrid?
I can do the same in vb with the help of Adocdc. I am unable to find the
datagrid.datasource property in ms-access.


Albert D. Kallal


Thanks for your artcicle and example.

please let me know how can i display data in the datagrid?
I can do the same in vb with the help of Adocdc. I am unable to find the
datagrid.datasource property in ms-access.

Well, those examples of mine don't use data grids at all, but use simply
plain old ms-access forms. You just build form, and set it into continues

For those forms, you then use the RecordSouce. You can go:

me.RecordSouce = "select * from tblCites order by city"

The "me" refers to the current form for the code running. A full qualified
ref would be:

forms!MyFormName.ReocrdSource = strMySqlString

So, you can just stuff the sql right into the forms recordsouce..and it
fills..and queues the data for you. No extra work is needed. You don't need
a connection string, or even a data object like you do in VB.

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