Datagrid invisible Lable/Textbox does not generate HTML object?



Hi, All:

I have a datagrid with TemplateColumn as following:

<asp:TemplateColumn Visible="False" >
<ItemStyle Width="0px"></ItemStyle>
<asp:Label id="lblMin_Value" Visible=False runat="server" Text='<%#
DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.min_value") %>'>

I set Visible = false for this column because I do not want end user
see this column. But
If I check the html source, I did not see any HTML code for this label.
If the Visble is true, on the source code of HTML, I will see <Span id
= blahblah....>. I have a client side javascript to using this label's
value (actually the span's innerText), but the HTML does not have this
<Span object, so I could get the value of this min_value.

I also tried to set Visible =FAlse for <ASP:Label , it is the same.
I tried using <ASP:textbox > it is the same, not HTML object generated.

Does anybody have experience on this before? How should I Invisible an
Label/Textbox in datagrid but generate HTML Object so that JavaScript
can access?

Thanks a lot

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

You'd find more specialized help in the datagrid forum for this. Basically,
you can do a findcontrol or the equivalent which is a getlementbyid to
retrieve a reference to the text box. Once the object returns a reference
you can access its properties.

Warm regards,
Alvin Bruney [MVP ASP.NET]

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