Date and time calculaton



Can i know how to calculate the total time spend using access form.
10/12/2004 13.00pm
11/12/2004 7.00am

How am i going to calculate the total spend time in hours.
in this case the answer should be 18 hrs.


Allen Browne

You will need to log the time when the user started using the form, and the
time when they stopped.

1. Create a table with these fields:
- LogID AutoNumber primary key
- DocName Text name of the form
- OpenDateTime Date/Time when the form was opened.
- CloseDateTime Date/Time when the form was closed.
Save with the name "tblUsageLog".

2. Add a text box to the form, and give it these properties:
Name txtFormOpen
Format General Date
Visible No
On Load [Event Procedure]

3. Click the Build button (...) beside the On Click property.
Access opens the Code window.
Add this line to the event procedure:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.txtFormOpen = Now()
End Sub

4. Set the form's On Unload property to [Event Procedure], and add this code
to the event:
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
Dim strSql As String
Const strcJetDateTime = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy hh\:nn\:ss\#"

strSql = "INSERT INTO tblUsageLog (DocName, UserName, OpenDateTime,
CloseDateTime) SELECT """ & Me.Name & """ AS DocName, """ & CurrentUser() &
""" AS UserName, " & Format(Me.txtFormOpen, strcJetDateTime) & " AS
OpenDateTime, Now() AS CloseDateTime;"
DBEngine(0)(0).Execute strSql, dbFailOnError
End Sub

5. Use DateDiff() in a query to get the duration the form was opened.
Details in:
Calculating elapsed time

You may prefer to use the computer name or the Windows user name in place of
CurrentUser() above. If so, the code is in these links respectively:

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