Date Calculation Field Hitch


Greg Maxey

Macropod (if you are by this way)

About 6 month ago you pointed me to a article on Woody's Lounge with Tips
and Tricks for calculating dates with fields. I was interested in the
calculating a person's age field. At the time I tested with my birthdate
12/31/1958 and the answer was dead on accurate. Today when I test that same
field the result is 45 years, - 4 months, -22 days vice the correct value 45
years, 8 months, 9 days.

I attempted to locate your article again today to see if I had somehow
corrupted the fields, but links from some of your previous posts on the
subject are not pointing to the article anymore.

I have managed to cobble together a painfully complex field to generate the
correct answer. I can't hope to duplicate it here, but if you are
interested I have it posted here:

If you have any suggestions for simplifying, I would certainly appreciate

Greg Maxey


Yes there are differences between the file I had and what is posted as the
current version. I am getting the correct result also using the current
version. Thanks.

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