Date Calculation, Find Difference between two dates


Stu Morris

I am having a massive problem with this.
I have 2 date pickers & need to find the difference between the 2 dates.
Answer to be returned in days.

This is a challange, i don't think this can be done. Any takers???

This should be simple but this is the 4th forum and 4th book im into and
cant figure it.

Stu Morris


I cant figure out this example at all, I have found a example of this in vb
code but i really need a Jscript one.

It really only has to be very simple two date pickers and one returned field
stating the number of days difference.

Please help


Franck Dauché


I guess part of the problem comes from the fact that date pickers in
InfoPath give you ISO8601 dates.

If you use:
var date1 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode( "//my:field1" ).text;
var date2 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode( "//my:field2" ).text;
var dt1 = ISO8601ToDate(date1);
var dt2 = ISO8601ToDate(date2);

function ISO8601ToDate(dateString)
{return new Date(dateString.split('-').reverse().join('/')) }

Then, you can do simple JScript date comparison as shown here:

Hope that it helps.


Franck Dauché

Stu Morris


Thankyou, but i am still unsure, i really only need to find the difference
between two dates in days outputted in a text field. I am really struggling
with the conversions and such like.

Any simpler solutions, or more exact code??

Thanks Stu


Hi Stu Morris

This code is infopath Vbscript managed code.

Field1 and field2 two are date pickers.
Field3 is textbox
Past this code

Sub CTRL18_5_OnClick(eventObj)

Dim nodeDate1
Dim nodeDate2
Dim dt1Val
Dim dt2Val
Dim daysElapsed

Set nodeDate1 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field1")
Set nodeDate2 = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field2")

dt1Val = CDate(nodeDate1.Text)
dt2Val = CDate(nodeDate2.Text)

daysElapsed = DateDiff("d", dt1Val, dt2Val)

If daysElapsed < 3 Then

Msgbox "Date #2 must be at least 3 days in the future!"
XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("/my:myFields/my:field3").text = daysElapsed
End If

End Sub

I hope this will help U

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