date calculation


H Hecker

Is there a way to calculate a date? Say I need to determine a date 75 days
from a specific other date -- can I do that by identifying the first date
and the number of days? Or in some other way?


Patricia Cardoza - [MVP Outlook]

In any date field you can perform things like Today + 75d. Just type that
exact phrase in the date field.

H Hecker

Thanks, that works very well, and seems to work for weeks and months also
(using w for weeks and spelling out months).

One last query - is there a way to count backwards? When I tried the same
format, but with a minus, I get an error message that says: "You must
specify a valid date. Check your entries in this dialog box to make sure
they represent a valid date." The dialog box says, for example, "Sunday,
December 14, 2003 - 3d" -- so certainly it does state a valid date. Any

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