Date calculation


Dale N

I have changed working time for M - F from the default time to 7am - 12pm &
1pm - 6pm (total 10 hrs): Tools/options/calendar is set to default start time
7am, default end time 6pm, h/day 10hr, h/wk 50 hr.

Project/project info.../ start date = 7/10
task 1 is entered with fixed work = 4hr & duration = 0.4d and generates
start = 7/10; finish = 7/10.
task 2 is entered with fixed work = 6hr & duration = 0.6d and generates
start = 7/10; finish = 7/11

Why is task 2 finish = 7/11 and 7/10? What am I missing?


Mike Glen

Hi Dale,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Tools/Options.../View tab/Date format and choose a format that includes the
time. This will let you see exactly the times of start and finish. I
assume you're using the US date convention and really mean 10 Jul and 11
Jul? I also suspect you have the Autolink inserted or moved tasks switched
on in the Schedule tab - switch it off. I also guess that the two tasks are
precedenced linked Finish-to-Start. If you changed the working hours and
calendar settings after you entered the task, try re-entering the Durations.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for Project Tutorials


Hi Dale,

It may be due to the start time of the first task. To see times as well
as dates, go to Tools > Options and on the View tab, select a Date
Format showing time.

Project also frequently does not set the correct start time for the
project. Go back to Project > Project Information. Click after the time
in the Start Date dialog box and backspace over the time leaving just
the date. Click OK and see if the start time of your first task shows
at 7:00 AM

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.


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