Date Calculations



The easiest solution to my problem would be to locate an Exce
spreadsheet for Federal Government Retirement calculations (FERS) but
can’t seem to find one.

Barring that, I need help with calculations on my retirement worksheet
First, I need the formula to correctly calculate my adjusted retiremen
service start date subtracting out Government time which counted fo
on-the job benefits but not retirement benefits. I’ve alread
calculated the time for each individual non-credit time period involve
(years, months, days format). I now need to take these non-credit tim
period totals and subtract them from my original Service start dat
(M/DD/YY format) and come up with an a new, adjusted service start dat
(in MM/DD/YY format). I would also like right formula to use t
calculate an accurate retirement eligibility date. I am having troubl
with accuracy (related to the 30 day months used by Excel in it
calculations). Any suggestions would be appreciated

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