Date calculations


Robin Coulon

How do I calculate dates prior to 1900? I'm working with geneology records,
but can't get Excel (for Mac OSX) to even recognize dates in the 1800's let
alone calculate them. Is it even possible? My 1970' s vintage HP 12c
calculator does it effortlessly.

Bernard Rey

Robin Coulon wrote :
How do I calculate dates prior to 1900? I'm working with geneology records,
but can't get Excel (for Mac OSX) to even recognize dates in the 1800's let
alone calculate them. Is it even possible? My 1970' s vintage HP 12c
calculator does it effortlessly.

On John Walkenbach's site, you'll find (thanks to JE McGimpsey) a Macintosh
transcription of his XDate add-in. That'll do the job:

But remember that it cannot run on someone else's machine if the XDate
add-in hasn't been installed. So it won't be too easy to share your work, if

JE McGimpsey

Robin Coulon said:
How do I calculate dates prior to 1900? I'm working with geneology records,
but can't get Excel (for Mac OSX) to even recognize dates in the 1800's let
alone calculate them. Is it even possible? My 1970' s vintage HP 12c
calculator does it effortlessly.

Not sure why the HP calculator's relevant, but then, I've never had a
calculator that works with dates.

XL's date functions only go back to 12/31/1899 (if you use the Windows
default 1900-date system). VBA however can go back to 1/1/100 (ignoring
the Julian to Gregorian shift).

An add-in (John Walkenbach's XDates) that allows a workaround can be
found here:

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