Date Calculations



Help! 1. I want to view my stocks using the system date How do I do it
2. I have 2 tables one called Products the other Sales also I have one form
with two subforms the first subforms shows the products in using the sales
date the other subform shows the products out using the sale date but now i
want to be able to determine the total number of products daily.I have tried
all ways but I can't be able to get the number of previous dates my products
table starts from 22-Feb-07 and I want to know the total products for each
day since using the subforms.Adding the products in and subtracting the
products out Using access 2003

Douglas J. Steele

You'll need to give a little more detail of your tables, like how you
determine whether it's a product in or out, but generically, you can
determine the total between two days as:

SELECT Sum(ProductQuantity) As TotalQuantity
FROM Sales
WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN Date1 AND Date2

If you want to know the quantity by day, use something like:

SELECT TransactionDate, Sum(ProductQuantity) As TotalQuantity
FROM Sales
WHERE TransactionDate BETWEEN Date1 AND Date2
GROUP BY TransactionDate

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