Date Calculations




I have designed a form that employees need to complete to request time off.

I have 2 date pickers. Date Picker A (Effective Date) and Date Picker B
(Return Date). Below these date pickers I would like to autopopulate a text
box with the total number of days required off. Return Date minus Effective

Unfortunately I am not a programmer but I can follow thorough instruction....



Thanks Scott. I already found this BLOG - but unfortunately I have no coding
knowledge - I need step by step instructions?




Gailc said:
Thanks Scott. I already found this BLOG - but unfortunately I have no coding
knowledge - I need step by step instructions?

If you could provide me with details - like the details you provided in the
Question "Date Calculations for a non-programmer" - that would be terrific.>

Scott L. Heim [MSFT]


Please accept my apologies for the delay as I was unexpectedly out of the
office for a few days.

Here are steps to a basic sample - with the following caveats:

1) This is using VBScript and not JScript
2) There is no real error handling here - so you will need to add
additional functionality, such as: confirmation that one date is greater
than or equal to the other, both fields are not empty, etc.

- Create a new, blank form
- Add the following controls and names:
- Date Picker, EffectiveDate
- Date Picker, ReturnDate
- Text box, txtDiff

- Right-click on ReturnDate and select Properties
- Click the Data Validation button
- In the Events box, choose OnAfterChange and then click Edit
- You should now see basically the following:

Sub msoxd_my_ReturnDate_OnAfterChange(eventObj)
If eventObj.IsUndoRedo Then
' An undo or redo operation has occurred and the DOM is read-only.
Exit Sub
End If

' A field change has occurred and the DOM is writable. Write code here to
respond to the changes.

End Sub

- Place your cursor in the space just before the words "End Sub" and paste
in the following code:

'When you add/edit text in a control, we go through a "delete" process to
remove any existing text
'and then an "Insert" process to enter what you just selected or typed -
we only want this code to execute
'during the "Insert" process - as such, we need to test for the correct
If eventObj.Operation = "Insert" Then
Dim objEffDate
Dim objRetDate
Dim objDiff

'Get references to the XML nodes that correspond to our controls
Set objEffDate =
Set objRetDate =
Set objDiff = XDocument.DOM.selectSingleNode("//my:myFields/my:txtDiff")

'If the EffectiveDate field is not an empty string (in other words a date
was selected)
'then compare this (the ReturnDate) to the EffectiveDate field.
If objEffDate.text <> "" Then
objDiff.text = DateDiff("d", objEffDate.text, objRetDate.text)
End If

'Clean up
Set objEffDate = Nothing
Set objRetDate = Nothing
Set objDiff = Nothing
End If

- Preview the form and test

I hope this helps!

Best Regards,

Scott L. Heim
Microsoft Developer Support

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.


Hi Scott,

Thanks so much for responding. I have successfully added the code to the
ReturnDate events but when I test the code by selecting an effective date
and a return date no data diff between dates) is automatically entered into
the txtdiff text box.

Maybe there is a step that I am missing?

Thanks in advance.


Hi Scott,

One other thing, when I close the form I am told there is a "code error" but
there is no option for viewing the error....


Dave Harris

Did you manage to get this sorted? I am in the same situation as you. Not
a programmer!

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