Date combo box question

  • Thread starter Jeffrey K. Ries
  • Start date

Jeffrey K. Ries

I am working on a timesheet form in access. One of the combo boxes I am
trying to setup is for the "Week of:". This should show the Monday starting
the work week. What I would like to happen is to have this combo box show
the currents weeks Monday with a drop down for the last half-dozen or so

Is the best way to do this to link the combo box to a query?
If so, could someone give me some direction to get the query started? I
understand the basics of querys to get selected info from a table, but I
have never used one to pull info from the current date.

Jeffrey K. Ries

Duane Hookom

You could set the row source type to value list and use code in the on open
of the form:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim datMonday As Date
For datMonday = DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date) To _
Date - 50 Step -7
Me.cboDates.RowSource = Me.cboDates.RowSource & _
Format(datMonday, "mm/dd/yyyy") & ";"
End Sub

Jeffrey K. Ries

That worked beautifully! Thank you.

Now how do I make the first entry in the list come up as the default? Would
that be an addition to the code you provided? ...or do I need some other
code in the 'Default' property?

Jeffrey K. Ries

Duane Hookom

Set the value property of the combo box.
Me.cboDates =DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date)

Jeffrey K. Ries

I don't see a 'value' property of the combo box so I assume you mean the
'default value'. I placed the code there and I get nothing. So I took the
code and fit it into the original code you provided for the 'OnOpen'
property of the form itself.

This worked, ...kinda. It does place the correct date into the 'default
value' property, but then this date is translated into 12/30/1899. What
gives? The 'format' property of the combo is set to Short Date; isn't that

Also, the original code for the 'OnOpen' property of the form does one thing
which I find troubling. It add the eight dates exactly like it should,
however the next time I open the form it adds the eight again onto the end
of the original list. This happens each time the form is run which results
in an eventual monster of a list. Is there a way to clear the list before
populating it each time?

Sorry to drag out this subject. I am trying desperately to learn this
program, but the VB code is the most difficult and, of course, most
important part.

Thanks again,
Jeffrey K. Ries

Jeffrey K. Ries

OK, I got the default value to work using =[cboDates].[ItemData]("0"). It
looks like the help files are helpful after all, who knew?

The multiple list entries are still a mystery tho if you have the time.

Jeffrey K. Ries

Duane Hookom

When the form closes, the Row Source property should go back to nothing
unless you had saved it. You could use
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim datMonday As Date
Me.cboDates.RowSource = ""
For datMonday = DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date) To _
Date - 50 Step -7
Me.cboDates.RowSource = Me.cboDates.RowSource & _
Format(datMonday, "mm/dd/yyyy") & ";"
Me.cboDates =DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date)
End Sub

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Jeffrey K. Ries said:
OK, I got the default value to work using =[cboDates].[ItemData]("0"). It
looks like the help files are helpful after all, who knew?

The multiple list entries are still a mystery tho if you have the time.

Jeffrey K. Ries

Jeffrey K. Ries said:
I don't see a 'value' property of the combo box so I assume you mean the
'default value'. I placed the code there and I get nothing. So I took the
code and fit it into the original code you provided for the 'OnOpen'
property of the form itself.

This worked, ...kinda. It does place the correct date into the 'default
value' property, but then this date is translated into 12/30/1899. What
gives? The 'format' property of the combo is set to Short Date; isn't that

Also, the original code for the 'OnOpen' property of the form does one thing
which I find troubling. It add the eight dates exactly like it should,
however the next time I open the form it adds the eight again onto the end
of the original list. This happens each time the form is run which results
in an eventual monster of a list. Is there a way to clear the list before
populating it each time?

Sorry to drag out this subject. I am trying desperately to learn this
program, but the VB code is the most difficult and, of course, most
important part.

Thanks again,
Jeffrey K. Ries
on boxes combo
box half-dozen
or table,

Jeffrey K. Ries

That did it. Thank you.

Jeffrey K. Ries

Duane Hookom said:
When the form closes, the Row Source property should go back to nothing
unless you had saved it. You could use
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim datMonday As Date
Me.cboDates.RowSource = ""
For datMonday = DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date) To _
Date - 50 Step -7
Me.cboDates.RowSource = Me.cboDates.RowSource & _
Format(datMonday, "mm/dd/yyyy") & ";"
Me.cboDates =DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date)
End Sub

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

Jeffrey K. Ries said:
OK, I got the default value to work using =[cboDates].[ItemData]("0"). It
looks like the help files are helpful after all, who knew?

The multiple list entries are still a mystery tho if you have the time.

Jeffrey K. Ries

Jeffrey K. Ries said:
I don't see a 'value' property of the combo box so I assume you mean the
'default value'. I placed the code there and I get nothing. So I
code and fit it into the original code you provided for the 'OnOpen'
property of the form itself.

This worked, ...kinda. It does place the correct date into the 'default
value' property, but then this date is translated into 12/30/1899. What
gives? The 'format' property of the combo is set to Short Date; isn't that

Also, the original code for the 'OnOpen' property of the form does one thing
which I find troubling. It add the eight dates exactly like it should,
however the next time I open the form it adds the eight again onto the end
of the original list. This happens each time the form is run which results
in an eventual monster of a list. Is there a way to clear the list before
populating it each time?

Sorry to drag out this subject. I am trying desperately to learn this
program, but the VB code is the most difficult and, of course, most
important part.

Thanks again,
Jeffrey K. Ries

Set the value property of the combo box.
Me.cboDates =DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date)

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

That worked beautifully! Thank you.

Now how do I make the first entry in the list come up as the default?
that be an addition to the code you provided? ...or do I need some
code in the 'Default' property?

Jeffrey K. Ries

You could set the row source type to value list and use code in
of the form:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim datMonday As Date
For datMonday = DateAdd("d", 2 - Weekday(Date), Date) To _
Date - 50 Step -7
Me.cboDates.RowSource = Me.cboDates.RowSource & _
Format(datMonday, "mm/dd/yyyy") & ";"
End Sub

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP

I am working on a timesheet form in access. One of the combo boxes
trying to setup is for the "Week of:". This should show the Monday
the work week. What I would like to happen is to have this combo
the currents weeks Monday with a drop down for the last half-dozen

Is the best way to do this to link the combo box to a query?
If so, could someone give me some direction to get the query
understand the basics of querys to get selected info from a table,
have never used one to pull info from the current date.

Jeffrey K. Ries

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