Can you help me
:: What I have
A Hotel Reservation System
I have Arrival Date and Departure Date. Room availability does depend
on RoomNumber, ArrivalDate and DepartureDate.
:: What I want
Knowing which rooms are available in a specific duration (specified by
Arrival Date and Departure Date). When new guest come in, I want to know
which room is free for him in the duration he wish to stay
:: What I have tried
In Criteria:
Arrival Date field : <[Enter ArrivalDate:] and >[Enter Departure Date]
Depart DateField : <[Enter Arrival Date:] and >[Enter Departure Date]
:: What trouble I got
It did work only when there is a reservation on the room before that.
For example, I have 10 rooms, but have only 6 records for 6 rooms, the 4
rooms left have no records. Then the query does not list these 4 rooms.
:: What should I do?
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance
Arubik Doan
:: What I have
A Hotel Reservation System
I have Arrival Date and Departure Date. Room availability does depend
on RoomNumber, ArrivalDate and DepartureDate.
:: What I want
Knowing which rooms are available in a specific duration (specified by
Arrival Date and Departure Date). When new guest come in, I want to know
which room is free for him in the duration he wish to stay
:: What I have tried
In Criteria:
Arrival Date field : <[Enter ArrivalDate:] and >[Enter Departure Date]
Depart DateField : <[Enter Arrival Date:] and >[Enter Departure Date]
:: What trouble I got
It did work only when there is a reservation on the room before that.
For example, I have 10 rooms, but have only 6 records for 6 rooms, the 4
rooms left have no records. Then the query does not list these 4 rooms.
:: What should I do?
Can you help me, please?
Thanks in advance
Arubik Doan