2-Dec-04 2-Feb-05 2-Mar-05 15-Mar-05 27-Apr-05 5-May-05 17-May-05
6-Jun-05 7-Jun-05
4-Jun-04 5-Nov-04 2-Mar-05 2-Mar-05 4-Apr-05
2-Oct-04 1-Jan-05 1-Jan-05 2-Jun-05 5-Jun-05 1-Jul-05 1-Jul-05
I have the above dates in range A1:I3.
I need formula in K1:M3. The answers are in range K1:M3 should be:
51 52 72
115 148 148
27 27 27
I want to find out last date in the row and then see its difference
from today's date (current date per computer time) and put it in cell
Similarly the second last date difference from current date in L1 and
third last date difference from current date in M1.
Do the same task for remaining columns.
This is just a sample data I have 3160 rows with 25+ columns
I have entered a formula but I am getting stuck on how to find the last
date in a row.
6-Jun-05 7-Jun-05
4-Jun-04 5-Nov-04 2-Mar-05 2-Mar-05 4-Apr-05
2-Oct-04 1-Jan-05 1-Jan-05 2-Jun-05 5-Jun-05 1-Jul-05 1-Jul-05
I have the above dates in range A1:I3.
I need formula in K1:M3. The answers are in range K1:M3 should be:
51 52 72
115 148 148
27 27 27
I want to find out last date in the row and then see its difference
from today's date (current date per computer time) and put it in cell
Similarly the second last date difference from current date in L1 and
third last date difference from current date in M1.
Do the same task for remaining columns.
This is just a sample data I have 3160 rows with 25+ columns
I have entered a formula but I am getting stuck on how to find the last
date in a row.