Date Difference




I currently have following formula in my report.

=DateDiff("h",[Date/Time Request Created],[Date/Time Completed])

It is calculating the total hours between time request created vs. completed.

I want to be able to figure this same thing less weekends and holidays.
Does anyone have any idea on how to write that formula?


Al Campagna

On my website (below) I have a sample file for V97 and V2003
called Calculate Number of Workdays.
That code could easily be converted to count the number of
weekend days, and holidays (from a holiday table) between your two
Date/Time values.

So, count the total hours between the two values, and subtract
NonWorkDays * 24
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP 2006-2009

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

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