Date field


Beginner Bill

When I create a form with a date field how do I get it to open to the current month so the user can select the appropriate date ?

Dirk Goldgar

Beginner Bill said:
When I create a form with a date field how do I get it to open to the
current month so the user can select the appropriate date ?

How do you get what to open to the current month?

Beginner Bill

Sorry, what I want is to create a form with the date, and
when I open the form to add a record and click on the
date I would like the current month to show and be able
to highlight the day of the month and have it populate
the date field.

Dirk Goldgar

Beginner Bill said:
Sorry, what I want is to create a form with the date, and
when I open the form to add a record and click on the
date I would like the current month to show and be able
to highlight the day of the month and have it populate
the date field.

It sounds like you want one of a variety of date-picker controls that
are out there. Access ships with a Calendar control, or it used to;
but I haven't used it and I hear there may be some problems with
versioning and distribution. On the other hand, there have been several
messages posted in these newsgroups recently speaking favorably of
Stephen Lebans' Month Calendar, which is not subject to the problems I
mentioned. Follow this link for that:

There are others available, too, some implemented entirely as Access
forms. You may want to google for "Access Month Calendar" and to check
on The Access Web ( and some of the sites it links

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