I have a form that has the following code. It works on my computer but now
that i want to let someone else use this. When they run the form it gets
errors. I think she said syntax error. Is there anything i can do to fix this
problem without changing the form or the code? Something to update her
computer maybe? Thank you for all your help.
Private Sub txtDate_Enter()
txtDate.Value = Format(Me.txtDate, "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtFrt_Enter()
txtFrt.Value = Format(Me.txtFrt.Value, "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtFrt_Exit(ByVal cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtFrt.Value = Format(Me.txtFrt.Value, "$#,###,###.000")
End Sub
Private Sub txtPrice_Enter()
'Places currency formatting on price
txtPrice.Value = Format(Me.txtPrice.Value, "")
End Sub bn
that i want to let someone else use this. When they run the form it gets
errors. I think she said syntax error. Is there anything i can do to fix this
problem without changing the form or the code? Something to update her
computer maybe? Thank you for all your help.
Private Sub txtDate_Enter()
txtDate.Value = Format(Me.txtDate, "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtFrt_Enter()
txtFrt.Value = Format(Me.txtFrt.Value, "")
End Sub
Private Sub txtFrt_Exit(ByVal cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
txtFrt.Value = Format(Me.txtFrt.Value, "$#,###,###.000")
End Sub
Private Sub txtPrice_Enter()
'Places currency formatting on price
txtPrice.Value = Format(Me.txtPrice.Value, "")
End Sub bn