Date format in Header


DK Pau

Hi all,

Trying to do something simple but not having much luck.
In the header/footer of a task sheet, I'm trying to get
the saved date to print in the format 'd mmm, yyyy'. The
default format for the date in the project is DDD yy mmm
dd, and I'd like to keep that for now. Is there a way to
use switches to alter the date format in the




You could change the date format by selecting the
appropriate format in the options dialog box
Tools --> options--> View tab --> select the View and its
Date format from the list.
This date format is applied to the date shown in
header/footer or legend in print
If you would like to define you own format you could
change the format in the regional settings option in the
control panel

DK Pau

Thanks Rajkumar, I tried that but it changes the dates
displayed in the entire chart/view rather than just the
header. I'm fine with the way the date displays in the
chart body, but was trying to automate the header to show
the file saved date in a different format (i.e.
independent of the date fields within the chart).

For now, each time I save a version of the chart I
manually type in the save date in the header as "Updated 5
August, 2004". It's a little thing, but it's something I
was asked to do that should have been easy to automate
(i.e. &[Saved Date \@ "MMMM d, yyyy"]. Unless someone
knows of a way of using field switches in the header, I
guess I'm stuck typing it.

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