Date Format problem



Hi, I am trying to use a box where notes & a Date are kept.
Looking for the best way to setup, not good at dates

cell formated as general, If a date is present it will be as:
:yymmdd or 060510

had cond. format eq like:

where T9 is the text cell working in, for future date is within 5 days of a
cell where was trying to put todays date $T$7, e.g.: 060101
Is there a text variable have to apply, guesse would rather not have to use
a separate cell for todays date. PS the face you see in my equation is not
Its barney. thanks in advance.


When you format the cell(s) click on "custom" (were you have it set as
then just type in yymmdd in the small box above the list of custom formatting.


Hi, I don't always ask the question right, else maybe would know answer?
anyways, I need to find a number within text, so I can perform a calculation

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