date format



When I want to type the date, Word used to come up with a choice of
formats, like: 01/20/2004 or January 20 2004 and so on. I must have messed
this up, for I no longer get a choice, but one format, which I don't like.

I have tried setting the format I want as Standard, but that does not seem
to take.

Any suggestions?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If if would work for you to insert the date as a DATE or CREATEDATE field
(the latter is usually more useful), you can save this as an AutoText entry.


f if would work for you to insert the date as a DATE or CREATEDATE field
(the latter is usually more useful), you can save this as an AutoText entry.

Thanks for your reply, but how do I insert as a Date or Createdate?

Greg Maxey


A DATE field returns the current date when you open the
document and update fields (today, next week, an a year
from now). To insert a DATE field, use CTRL+F9 to insert
field code brackets { } and type DATE inside the
brackets. To display the result, right click and choose
update field.

A CREATEDATE returns the date the document was created
which will not change if the document is subsequently
reopened and fields updated. Same process but type
CREATEDATE inside the brackets.

Date formats set using field swithes. (E.g., { CREATEDATE
\@ MMMM dd, yyyy } will return January 20, 2004.

By creating AUTOTEXT entries you can simplify this
process. Create a date field that suits your preference.
Update to display the field. Select the displayed date
and depress ALT+F3. Give the AutoText entry name (e.g.,

When you want to insert the date, start to type Today and
when the AUTOCOMPLETE tip appears press enter.
-----Original Message-----


When you want to insert the date, start to type Today and
when the AUTOCOMPLETE tip appears press enter.

Thanks for your help.
I must have done something stupid though, for I get to see the date code
after pressing enter, not the date itself.

Can you tell me where I went wrong?
Thank you.

Greg Maxey


You probably didn't do anything wrong. Your document view
settings may be set to display field codes.

Depress ALT+F9.

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