Date Formatting




I am a begining user, so please bare with me and thank you for any advice.

In infopath, I have a date field to be input by the user of the form. After
the form is completed, the entries are submitted to a database, which
formates this field as YYMMMDD (example 07JUL13).

Also, at the end of the form, I have a field, called "FileName" which is
generated from entries into the form, such as the date. This FileName field
is used to create the name of an attachment to an email that will be sent
out, each time the form is submitted. So, the filenames need to be in a
format dependent on the date field, YYMMMDD (example file attachment is
07JUL13_XX_XXX). The XXX part will also come from another field and I will
concat them together, which is not a problem.

The issue I have, is with the date part and getting the date into the
YYMMMDD format to be used later in the filename field.

I hope I explained correctly. Thank you for any help.




Choose your text box and go to the properties. As a data source choose date.
Then click the format button and choose the appropriate format. Then in the
next box down, default value, choose function and insert the function today()
or what ever is relevant to your case. Hope it helps.


Thank you for the response.

The selectable formats available do not include the one I need (YYMMMDD with
no dashes).

Also, I could not seem to get the today() function to work...could you
please give me an example?

K.Ramana Reddy(GGK Tech)


We don't have date formate you want by default, may be you need to some
custom thing to get it.
For today() function,
1. Double click on the date picker(Date picker properties wizard will be
displayed) you want use today() function.
2. Click on Fx button for value field in Defalut Value section.
3. Enter the today() function in insert formula wizard and Click on Ok
button for two times.
Now it will work for you.

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