Take a look at John Walkenbach's XDate add-in:
Something like (you'll have to parse out A2 - are the formats all
the same?)
=XDATE(XYEAR(A1)-2, XMONTH(A1)-5,XDAY(A1)-(1*7+2))
Note, however, that your date is smack in the middle of when Great
Britain and its colonies (such as what became the Eastern US,
Washington and Oregon) switched from the Julian to the Gregorian
calendar (i.e., September 1752: other areas of North America
switched as early as 1582 and as late as 1867, and Russia didn't
switch until 1918, and of course, compliance varied from locale to
locale), so, depending on what country/area you're talking about,
you may have to add a fudge factor.