Date Import from Text File



Having problems with type-mismatch when trying to import to a table
(DD_Report). The date field is [DateofReport] with a shortdate format, input
mask of 99/99/00;;_. In the beginning the data wouldn't even import. Code
is shown below -- I've removed some areas that don't have anything to do with
this date problem. Thanks.

Dim req_error As Integer, filedata As String, key As String, flag As Integer
Dim filename As String, temp_date As String, RptDate As Date

ReDim mydata(2 To 8)

Dim MyTable As DAO.Recordset
Set MyTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("DD_Report")
Open filename For Input As #1
flag = 0
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, filedata
If Len(filedata) > 0 Then
key = Left$(filedata, 4)
If key = "DATE" Then
temp_date = Trim$(Mid$(filedata, 12, 8))
RptDate = CDate(Left(temp_date, 8))
End If
flag = 1
End If
'Start Import routine to Access Table
If flag = 1 Then
MyTable("DateofReport") = RptDate
flag = 0
End If
End If


Forgot to add, the text file has the data as dd/mm/yy format. Example of the
text straight out of the text file is "15/05/06". I thought this would
import perfectly into the table, but doesn't. Is it due to the slash marks?
Should it be dashes?


Disregard, I figured it out for now. Seems Access likes the data to be in
MM/DD/YY order as default so I used some code to reorder the data and it
works. TD is my temp_Date variable. Changes it from dd/mm/yy order to

If key = "DATE" Then
TD = Trim$(Mid$(filedata, 17, 8))
RptDate = Mid$(TD, 4, 2) & "/" & Left$(TD, 2) & "/" & Right$(TD, 2)
End If

Douglas J. Steele

If your Regional Settings have been set so that the Short Date format has
been set to dd/mm/yyyy, then what you had should have worked: the CDate
function is one of the few date-related things in Access that respects
Regional Settings.

You do seem to have changed the parameters in your Mid function between the
first and second iteration though.

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no private e-mails, please)

Davo said:
Disregard, I figured it out for now. Seems Access likes the data to be in
MM/DD/YY order as default so I used some code to reorder the data and it
works. TD is my temp_Date variable. Changes it from dd/mm/yy order to

If key = "DATE" Then
TD = Trim$(Mid$(filedata, 17, 8))
RptDate = Mid$(TD, 4, 2) & "/" & Left$(TD, 2) & "/" & Right$(TD, 2)
End If

VB Beginner

Davo said:
Having problems with type-mismatch when trying to import to a table
(DD_Report). The date field is [DateofReport] with a shortdate format,
mask of 99/99/00;;_. In the beginning the data wouldn't even import.
is shown below -- I've removed some areas that don't have anything to do
this date problem. Thanks.

Dim req_error As Integer, filedata As String, key As String, flag As
Dim filename As String, temp_date As String, RptDate As Date

ReDim mydata(2 To 8)

Dim MyTable As DAO.Recordset
Set MyTable = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("DD_Report")
Open filename For Input As #1
flag = 0
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, filedata
If Len(filedata) > 0 Then
key = Left$(filedata, 4)
If key = "DATE" Then
temp_date = Trim$(Mid$(filedata, 12, 8))
RptDate = CDate(Left(temp_date, 8))
End If
flag = 1
End If
'Start Import routine to Access Table
If flag = 1 Then
MyTable("DateofReport") = RptDate
flag = 0
End If
End If

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