My PC is in Italian language. In a file of Excel I need to get the dates in
I have set the date format as follows: [$-409]gggg, mmmm gg, aaaa
which gives the following result: Venerdì, Aprile 21, 2006
That is, the date actually in English format, but in Italian language...
In My PC the English language is already available: What have I to do now to
set this specific file in English language?
Thanks in advance.
My PC is in Italian language. In a file of Excel I need to get the dates in
I have set the date format as follows: [$-409]gggg, mmmm gg, aaaa
which gives the following result: Venerdì, Aprile 21, 2006
That is, the date actually in English format, but in Italian language...
In My PC the English language is already available: What have I to do now to
set this specific file in English language?
Thanks in advance.