Date Marco


Elton Law

Dear Expert,
Have asked for time marco before.
Just wonder how to write the date marco in VB please ?
Say want to run on 5 May 9:00 AM please ?

Simon Lloyd

Do you want to display a date or run some code on a date?
Dear Expert,
Have asked for time marco before.
Just wonder how to write the date marco in VB please ?
Say want to run on 5 May 9:00 AM please ?

Simon Lloyd

Simon Lloyd
'The Code Cage' (


Using these two procedures, Start will initiate the run when it is 9am, in
my_date if the date is 5th May 09 then code will run, else Start is re-run
to wait for 9am next day.

Sub Start()
Application.OnTime TimeValue("09:00:00"), "my_date"
End Sub

Sub my_date()
If Date <> DateSerial(2009, 5, 5) Then
Exit Sub
End If

'your code to run at 9am on 5/5/09

End Sub

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