Date out yet on iSync compatibility?



Ever since I read recently that the Entourage unit was coming out soon
with an update that would make Entourage iSync compatibile I've been
excited. I recently purchased a new Nokia phone that supports iSync and
I can't wait to start synching my calendar and tasks! I really don't
like any of the solutions out there now - too much hassle - though I
appreciate the work that has gone into them. I'd rather not pay money
for something I'll only use for a little while more.

With that said, does anyone know if there's a date out there yet that
we'll see the update? I recall the press release being rather vague...

Any speculation on how well this will integrate? Will we be be able to
only sync one category with our phones (rather than the whole address
book) and only sync certain tasks (like those due today or tomorrow)?

Michel Bintener

From the official press release, which can be found here:

"Microsoft is putting the final touches on a number of Entourage 2004
enhancements scheduled for delivery in March 2006. Since the release of Mac
OS X 10.4 (Tiger), the Mac BU has worked with Apple to enable Sync Services
integration with Entourage information and data. Customers will soon be able
to sync their Entourage calendar, address book, notes and tasks with
handheld devices that also work with Sync Services."

That's all Microsoft is telling us at the moment, so it's too soon to tell
how well this will work with mobile devices.

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