date problem with mail merge



I am trying to mail merge using office professional 2007 and on vista.

When setting up dates in excel they are dd/mm/yyyy
Then in the mail merge it goes to mm/dd/yyyy.
How do I change it back?

Do not ask me to got wherever for support or look this up or that up. I have
spent the last two days trying to find a solution and so far all I have got
is computer programming gobble de gook,

Please give me a simple answer to a simple question

David Biddulph

Use =TEXT(A2,"dd/mm/yyyy")
Set up your Windows Regional Options to use your preferred date format
Use the field formatting facilities in Word, if you are using the mail merge
in Word.

I don't know where you have been looking for support for the past two days,
but such advice as this is readily available, not least in the archive of
this group.

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