Date problem



Hi, i have this code:

This code is working good, but calculates when entire month has past. I need
this code to calculate when 01.10.2009 has past. I need to calculate by days.
A2:L2 = dates (01.09.2009 ; 01.10.2009 ; 01.11.2009...)
A3:L3 = billings number (some numbers)
This code is looking for curent month in A2:L2 and if below that cell in
A3:L3 finds some numbers, calculates days till next date in A2:L2.
If it doesn't find numbers in A3:L3, return "please pay"

What the code is doing now:
J3= 123(some number)
K3= (empty)
L3= (empty)
The code return "please pay" because this we are stiil in this month. If i
write something in K3, then the code display "29".
I need the code to calculate when the date 01.10.2009 has past. If today is
03.10.2009, then the code to display remaining days till next date if J3 has
some numbers.
Now, the code calculate with a month ahead i guess...i dont know.

Can this be done?

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