I'm preparing an employee course attendance list. There is a column for date
course attended and another for when it needs to be updated using format for
adding one, 2 or whatever years to the course attended column (there are lots
of courses). At the moment the course attended columns are blank (it will
take me a while to fill in the dates). The course update column shows
31/12/1900. As I add the date the employee attends a course this changes to
the correct update date. But it is driving me mad that I can't make
31/12/1900 disappear when the cell that the formula is based on is blank . I
have tried using conditional formatting. I have tried just pasting the
formula and not the value but to no avail. What can I do?
course attended and another for when it needs to be updated using format for
adding one, 2 or whatever years to the course attended column (there are lots
of courses). At the moment the course attended columns are blank (it will
take me a while to fill in the dates). The course update column shows
31/12/1900. As I add the date the employee attends a course this changes to
the correct update date. But it is driving me mad that I can't make
31/12/1900 disappear when the cell that the formula is based on is blank . I
have tried using conditional formatting. I have tried just pasting the
formula and not the value but to no avail. What can I do?