Date problems



Hi, can anyone help?

I have a date field in a table which is in the format dd/mm/yyyy. Can anyone tell me how I can create a calculated field as part of a query which returns the original date as a mm/yyyy format? Many thanks for your hel


Brian Camire

If the data type of the date field is Date/Time (and not Text, for example),
you might use an expression like this in a query:

Format([Your Table].[Your Date Field], "mm/yyyy")

Bigweed said:
Hi, can anyone help??

I have a date field in a table which is in the format dd/mm/yyyy. Can
anyone tell me how I can create a calculated field as part of a query which
returns the original date as a mm/yyyy format? Many thanks for your help

Allen Browne

Type this into the Field row of your query:
AmericanDate: Format([MyField], "mm\/dd\/yyyy")

For general suggestions on handling dates in Access in a non-American
format, see:

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

Bigweed said:
Hi, can anyone help??

I have a date field in a table which is in the format dd/mm/yyyy. Can
anyone tell me how I can create a calculated field as part of a query which
returns the original date as a mm/yyyy format? Many thanks for your help

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