Date query allowing user to enter dates




I have a DB where I am trying to set up a search criteria using 2 tables and
one field out of each.

Table - Services Field - Service
Table - Appointments Field - Appointment Date (format = dd/mm/yyyy)

How can I set up a query where the user can input to select appointments
between 2 dates ie: 01/04/2010 - 30/04/2010 and service (ie exams)

I notice when I do a filter it allows me to select the dates from the
calendar - can this be done in a search criteria and would I be able to make
the list of services available in a drop down box.

I am relatively new to DB and don't use it often so need easy instructions.

many thanks


KenSheridan via


To be able to select a service form a combo box you'd need to create a
dialogue form in which you can enter the dates and select the service. A
query can then reference the controls on the form as parameters. You don't
say on what fields the two tables are related, however, so for this example
I'll call them SomeField. The query would then be something like this;

Forms!YourFormName!txtStartDate DATETIME,
Forms!YourFormName!txtEndDate DATETIME,
Forms!YourFormName!cboService TEXT ( 50 );
SELECT <column list>
FROM Services INNER JOIN Appointments
ON Services.SomeField = Appointments.SomeField
WHERE [Appointment Date] >= Forms!YourFormName!txtStartDate
AND [Appointment Date] < Forms!YourFormName!txtEndDate+1
AND Service = Forms!YourFormname!cboService;

For the column list include whatever columns form one or both tables you want

In the form, to limit the cboService combo box's list to those between the
selected appointment dates the RowSource property of the combo box would be
along these lines:

Forms!YourFormName!txtStartDate DATETIME,
Forms!YourFormName!txtEndDate DATETIME;
SELECT Service
FROMServices INNER JOIN Appointments
ON Services.SomeField = Appointments.SomeField
WHERE ([Appointment Date] >= Form!txtStartDate
OR Form!txtStartDate IS NULL)
AND ([Appointment Date] < Form!txtEndDate+1
OR Form!txtEndDate IS NULL)
ORDER BY Service;

In the AfterUpdate event procedures of txtStartDate and txtEndDate requery
the combo box with:


When you enter a date into each of the text boxes the combo box's list will
be progressively restricted to show only the services with appointments dates
in matching rows in Appointments between the two dates.

On the form you can then have a button to open the first query, or better
still a form or report which uses the query as its RecordSource property.

Note that in the above queries the parameters are declared. This is
especially important with date parameters as these might otherwise be
incorrectly interpreted as arithmetical expressions rather than date values
and give the wrong results.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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