have an update query
i'd guess something like
update TableName SET [DateTo] = DateSerial(Year
([DateTo]),Month([DateTo]),31) WHERE (Month([DateTo]) Not
In (2,4,6,9,11)) AND (Day([DateTo])=30)
limits dates to those whose month isn't 2,4,6,9,11 (ie not
february,april,etc) in other words only months which can
have 31 days, and then changes any date which is the 30th
to 31st
i'd guess something like
update TableName SET [DateTo] = DateSerial(Year
([DateTo]),Month([DateTo]),31) WHERE (Month([DateTo]) Not
In (2,4,6,9,11)) AND (Day([DateTo])=30)
limits dates to those whose month isn't 2,4,6,9,11 (ie not
february,april,etc) in other words only months which can
have 31 days, and then changes any date which is the 30th
to 31st