Mandy J.S.
I have a query where I am trying to input the date I want it to stop looking
for attendance points. Here's how I want to work it:
I want to print the attendance bonus results for the Month of November at
some point in the month of December. The day they are printed each month is
not going to be the same date. I may even want to go back further then just
one month. The problem I am having is that even though I am telling it what
end date I want it to end at. It isn't ending at that date. So, if someone
got points after the end date that I input they are still being used against
them. Here is the sql that I have for it:
SELECT tblEmployees.numIDNumber, tblEmployees.strLastName,
tblEmployees.strMiddleName, tblEmployees.strFirstName,
Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate) AS MaxOfdtmDate, tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp,
tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp, tblEmployees.dtmAnniveraryCompany
FROM tblIncidentType RIGHT JOIN (tblEmployees LEFT JOIN tblAttendance ON
tblEmployees.numIDNumber = tblAttendance.numID) ON
tblIncidentType.strIncidentType = tblAttendance.strIncidentType
GROUP BY tblEmployees.numIDNumber, tblEmployees.strLastName,
tblEmployees.strMiddleName, tblEmployees.strFirstName,
tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp, tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp,
HAVING (((Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate))<=DateAdd("d",-90,CDate([Enter the
ending date:]))) AND ((tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp)=Yes) AND
((tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp)=No) AND
((tblEmployees.dtmAnniveraryCompany)<=DateAdd("d",-120,CDate([Enter the
ending date:]))))
ORDER BY tblEmployees.numIDNumber, Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate) DESC;
Thank you for any help.
for attendance points. Here's how I want to work it:
I want to print the attendance bonus results for the Month of November at
some point in the month of December. The day they are printed each month is
not going to be the same date. I may even want to go back further then just
one month. The problem I am having is that even though I am telling it what
end date I want it to end at. It isn't ending at that date. So, if someone
got points after the end date that I input they are still being used against
them. Here is the sql that I have for it:
SELECT tblEmployees.numIDNumber, tblEmployees.strLastName,
tblEmployees.strMiddleName, tblEmployees.strFirstName,
Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate) AS MaxOfdtmDate, tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp,
tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp, tblEmployees.dtmAnniveraryCompany
FROM tblIncidentType RIGHT JOIN (tblEmployees LEFT JOIN tblAttendance ON
tblEmployees.numIDNumber = tblAttendance.numID) ON
tblIncidentType.strIncidentType = tblAttendance.strIncidentType
GROUP BY tblEmployees.numIDNumber, tblEmployees.strLastName,
tblEmployees.strMiddleName, tblEmployees.strFirstName,
tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp, tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp,
HAVING (((Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate))<=DateAdd("d",-90,CDate([Enter the
ending date:]))) AND ((tblEmployees.ynCurrentEmp)=Yes) AND
((tblEmployees.ynSalariedEmp)=No) AND
((tblEmployees.dtmAnniveraryCompany)<=DateAdd("d",-120,CDate([Enter the
ending date:]))))
ORDER BY tblEmployees.numIDNumber, Max(tblAttendance.dtmDate) DESC;
Thank you for any help.