date quieries



I have a parameter querie set up to ask for dates between beginning and
endding date. "7/1/2008 through 7/31/2008" and when you enter those dates,
wyou get all entries including dates with 2009 or 2007 years. how do I set
it to just use the current year.

Michel Walsh

It greatly depends on the DATA TYPE you set, in the table design, for the
date field you use. If you use a DateTime data type for it, then, in your
query, try #7/1/2008# and #7/31/2008#, note the # rather than the double

Also note that if you have TIME in addition to the date, in the fields,
then, #t/31/2008 06:00:00# occurs later than the limit on the interval you
specified. So, in that case, it may be preferable to use:
= #7/1/2008#


< #8/1/2008#

(note the strict inequality for the last expression, < , not <= )

as criteria, instead of BETWEEN.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

raskew via

Try "between "7/1/2008 and 7/31/2008"

If that doesn't do the job, please post back with your query SQL

HTH - Bob

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