Date Range on a Form


JD McLeod

I have a form used for entering time sheet data into. The form populates one
table that contains all of the time data for the entire year. I wanted to
have a different form for each month so that i could restrict the users from
changing previous data. I know how to enter validation rules at the table
level, but i don't want to have 12 tables. Is there a way that i can create
a form for each month of the year and have validation rules at the form level
such as ">=01/01/2009 AND <=01/20/2009"? I am using a date picker to select
the date on the form and all is working well, except that a few instances
have occurred where a wrong entry was entered due to being able to select any
date. thanks.

JD McLeod

Thanks KArl. I currently don't have a query feeding the form. I created a
blank form using combo boxes and other controls to populate the table. The
table is set as the control source for the form. Maybe i have another
problem with the way i set up the form. Any advice would help. thanks.

JD McLeod

Thanks Karl. I currently don't have a query feeding this form. I created a
blank form with combo boxes and other controls to populate the table. The
control source for the form is the table. Maybe i have another problem with
the way i set up the form. Any advice you have would be appreciated. Here
is what I have:
I have a table for clients, time codes and time subcodes. I then have a
table for time. Using the TimeEntry form, the user fills out a time sheet
and it populates my other table Time. SHould i have a Make Table query as
the form's control source? Not sure what i should do.


SHould i have a Make Table query as the form's control source?
A make table query can not be used as source.

Post the table structure of your table Time.

JD McLeod

Here is the table structure of the table "TIME"

Field Name / Type
Date / Date
Client Name / Text
Time Code / #
Time / #
Time SubCode / #
Description / Text
Autonumber / Autonumber

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