Date Range Query Not Returning Correct Results



I am using the following SQL Statement in my Access Query.
SELECT [PrincipalPayments].[AccountNumber ], [PrincipalPayments].
[PmtPostDate], [PrincipalPayments].[PrincPmtAmt], [Account].
FROM Account INNER JOIN PrincipalPayments ON [Account].
[AccountNumber]=[PrincipalPayments].[AccountNumber ]
WHERE ((([PrincipalPayments].[PmtPostDate])>=[Enter Start Date] And
([PrincipalPayments].[PmtPostDate])<[Enter End Date]) And (([Account].

The date range criteria works when the date range is with in the same
year all though when I select a range such as 08/01/2006 to 01/30/2007
it either doesnt return any records or returns all records. Please

Jerry Whittle

Try 01/08/2006 to 30/01/2007 .

SQL is an ANSI standard and guess what the A is for?????

Other than that, is the PmtPostDate field date/time or text?


I figured it out.. Of course a simple over sight on my part. I had the
field as text instead of date.. Thanks for reminding me to check.

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