date range



hi guys

is used a code from the following post:

modified it, and i got this

Sub daterange(Optional eta As Date)

today = DateSerial(2007, 1, 1)
For Each cell In Range("H8:H10")
If cell.Value <> "" Then
If cell.Value = today Then
sStr = sStr & cell.Offset(0, -6).Value & vbNewLine
End If
End If
If sStr <> "" Then
MsgBox sStr
End If
End Sub

not en expert and dont know how to establish and make today = "todays

how do i establish that ?


I always say, the simplest things get you.

Thnx Gary

Is there a way to make this work with a calender object, so that when
you click a date the macro searches based on the clicked date?

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