Date Reference in VBA


Murray Taylor

Which addin or reference provides the Date and Time calls
in VBA?

I have a line in a procedure:

Worksheets("System").Range("LastAccessDate").Formula = Date

which works fine on one installation of Excel 2000, but
generates an error "Cannot find profject or Library" in
another, and I am having a problem identifying the
relevant reference.



Harald Staff

Hi Murray

"Date" and the other elements are all built-in and valid in all versions.
Those problems are often caused by something else, interfering with VBA's
"normal behavior". Like reference to a newer ADO library than the one
installed. Or whatever not available.

On the non-working system, in the VB editor, go Tools > References and see
if something is marked "Missing". Try unchecking it/them and see what


Just the ticket!, it was a "Missing" reference that seems
to have caused the problem. Many thanks.


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