Date returns 19**, want 20**


Dos Equis

I am in the process of setting up a database to manage subscribers to a
newspaper. I have a field for subscription start and another for
subscription expiration, the start date is easy, =date(). The
expiration date is a little more difficult.

I have yearly subscriptions so =date()+364 will provide the expiration
date but some of my subscribers started in 19??. Also, some are
complimentary subs so I want to put in 31 Dec 2099 as the expiration
date. That way, I can forget about them unless they get dropped.

My problem is two-fold, if I put in =date()+364, I'm stuck with the
expiration date it spits out and this won't work for my records also,
when I input 31 Dec 99 (Med date input) for the expiration date I get a
return of 31 Dec 1999. How can I fix this?



Ken Snell \(MVP\)

Use DateAdd to get the date one year from now:

=DateAdd("yyyy", 1, Date())

Input 31 Dec 2099 for the other date.

Tim Ferguson

I have yearly subscriptions

Create another table to track subscriptions. Once there is a record saying

"CustID=10334, Year=2006, Fee=£15.00, PaidDate=2006-01-12"

then you know exactly who is up to date and who isn't. And you can send out
reminders. And you can request back payment from lapsed members who rejoin.
And you can ....


Tim F

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