Date Subtraction in MSAccess

  • Thread starter Laura1 via
  • Start date

Laura1 via

I have two date fields. The underlying data has them stored as the following:

Sales Event date: 1/6/2009
Created date:1/6/2009 5:09:23 PM

I have converted both of them to short date and did this calculation SEV-
[Created Date])

It is still taking into consideration the time in the created date field.

Can anyone help. I just one a single number. The calculation for the above
should be 0 I am getting -1 because of the time.

Jeff Boyce

Take a look at the DateDiff() function in Access HELP for syntax and


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Laura1 via

I am missing it, datediff appears to give you the week day translation.
SORRY, additional help?

Jeff said:
Take a look at the DateDiff() function in Access HELP for syntax and


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have two date fields. The underlying data has them stored as the
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
should be 0 I am getting -1 because of the time.

Laura1 via

I am missing it, datediff appears to give you the week day translation.
SORRY, additional help?

Jeff said:
Take a look at the DateDiff() function in Access HELP for syntax and


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have two date fields. The underlying data has them stored as the
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
should be 0 I am getting -1 because of the time.

John Spencer

Use the DateDiff function
Sev-CreDate: DateDiff("D",[Sales Event Date],[Created Date])

Or this one which will generate an error if either date is Null (Blan)
CLng([Sales Event Date]) - CLng([Created Date])

You can "fix" that by using the NZ function to convert nulls in the
dates to zero before using the CLng function. Or you can test both
dates with IsDate before trying to convert

IIF(IsDate([Sales Event Date]) AND IsDate([Created Date]
, CLng([Sales Event Date]) - CLng([Created Date]) ,Null)

Or you can replace Null with some known value to indicate the value
cannot be calculated (-9999 for instance)

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

Laura1 via


Thank you so much!! The first worked like a charm... I never would have
figured that out w/o your code!!! GREAT HELP! THANK YOU!

John said:
Use the DateDiff function
Sev-CreDate: DateDiff("D",[Sales Event Date],[Created Date])

Or this one which will generate an error if either date is Null (Blan)
CLng([Sales Event Date]) - CLng([Created Date])

You can "fix" that by using the NZ function to convert nulls in the
dates to zero before using the CLng function. Or you can test both
dates with IsDate before trying to convert

IIF(IsDate([Sales Event Date]) AND IsDate([Created Date]
, CLng([Sales Event Date]) - CLng([Created Date]) ,Null)

Or you can replace Null with some known value to indicate the value
cannot be calculated (-9999 for instance)

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County
I have two date fields. The underlying data has them stored as the following:
[quoted text clipped - 9 lines]
Can anyone help. I just one a single number. The calculation for the above
should be 0 I am getting -1 because of the time.

Jeff Boyce

Not sure what you mean by "week day translation". The syntax for DateDiff()
allows for the difference in minutes, hours, days, ... you pick.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

Laura1 via said:
I am missing it, datediff appears to give you the week day translation.
SORRY, additional help?

Jeff said:
Take a look at the DateDiff() function in Access HELP for syntax and


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP
I have two date fields. The underlying data has them stored as the
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]
should be 0 I am getting -1 because of the time.

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