Date Subtraction



I am trying to take a later date and subtract from it an earlier date to
determine the time in between. (07/11/06)-(04/14/05)=(03/28/01)
1Y 3M 28D is not correct. What am I missing?

JE McGimpsey

You're assuming that 3/28/01 means 1Y 3M 28D...

XL stores dates as integer offsets from a base date (12/31/1899 in
Windows default 1900 date system, 1/1/1904 in the Mac default 1904 date
system), with 1 = 1 day.

Format your result cell as General and you'll see that the result is 453
days. Format it as a date, though, and XL incorrectly determines that
453 days after 12/31/1899 is 3/28/1901.

If you want years, months, and days, you can use DATEDIF:

Be aware, however, that months are impossible to generally and
consistently define algorithmically.

Ron Rosenfeld

I am trying to take a later date and subtract from it an earlier date to
determine the time in between. (07/11/06)-(04/14/05)=(03/28/01)
1Y 3M 28D is not correct. What am I missing?

You are missing knowledge as to how Excel stores and formats dates.

Subtracting one date from another will give you the number of days between the
dates; if you format that value as a date, you get a date.

See for more discussion and a
possible solution to your problem.

JE McGimpsey

You can't combine, but you can use

=DATEDIF(A2,A1,"y") & " yrs " & DATEDIF(A2,A1,"ym") & " months and "
& DATEDIF(A2,A1,"md") & " days"

However, DATEDIF calculates month length based on the month in the first
date, so, for instance:

A1: 3/1/09
A2: 1/31/07

will return

2 yrs 1 months and -2 days

Shane Devenshire


What do you mean by vs 35 months? Keep in mind that months have different
number of days, so when you say 35 months which months are you talking about?

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