Date-time field in data entry form



I have a date-time field in my database which is formatted as mm/dd/yyyy
hh:nn. I attempted to make a data entry form, using the date-time field
from the field box, with an input mask associated with the format
(00/00/0000\ 00:00). However, when I entered data and switched to the next
control, I got the message "The value you entered isn't valid for this field.
For example, you may have entered text in a numeric field or a number that
is larger than the field size." How can I enter date-time data into the
date-time control?
Thanks, LAF


Put the input mask on the field in the table.
Insert the field into the form (use view field drop down if ness) and this
will copy the formating and masks from the table field.


Hi Wayne,

I tried your advice and got the same message. Could it be that entry of a
date-time field requires seconds as well as hours and minutes, and possibly
AM or PM instead of 24 hour time?


Tom Wickerath


Try this:
00/00/0000" "00:00;0;_

Apparently the ;0;placeholder portion is required. I could not get this to

00/00/0000" "00:00

I based this on a previous post made by fredg

Note that you must use the space bar after the year, and before the time.
The Date/Time field does not requires seconds be entered, and 24 hour time
works fine too.

I personally do not use input masks. I find them too limiting. For example,
they usually do not work (for me at least) when pasting data from the
clipboard that was copied from other sources (for example, an e-mail
message). MVP Allen Browne sums it up pretty good in this post:

"IMHO, input masks are about as useful as a soluble fish."


Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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