Date / Time problem



I am trying to format some cells with date/time stamps. The data is coming
in as follows:

09-05-2008 8:00
09-04-2008 1:00
09-03-2008 20:30

The dates should be Sep 5 2008, Sep 4 2008, Sep 3 2008 etc...but when I use
the date format in Excel (mmm dd yyyy), they are coming back as May 09 2008,
Apr 09 2008, Mar 09 2008, which is totally incorrect. Even if I use dd mmm
yyyy, it still formats it incorrectly, 09 May 2008, 09 Apr 2008, 09 Mar 2008.

I know how to extract the month/day/year and then convert it to the proper
date format but my problem is I need the time stamp from these cells added
back to my proper date(s). This is what I want:

Sep 05 2008 8:00
Sep 04 2008 1:00
Sep 03 2008 20:30

Any help would be appreciated.

Gary''s Student

With a value in A1:
=DATE(MID(A1,7,4),LEFT(A1,2),MID(A1,4,2))+MID(A1,FIND(" ",A1,1)+1,256)
and format the cell as:
Custom > mmmm dd yyyy hh:mm
this will display:
September 05 2008 08:00

Gord Dibben

Change your Windows Regional settings for Short Dates

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Thanks, Gord, this works on my desktop but if I send this to other users,
will the date format hold?

Gord Dibben

I don't know.

You could test by sending the workbook to me.

My short date settings are dd/MMM/yy

You set yours to mm/dd/yy.

Save the workbook and send it on.

Change the AT and DOT in my address


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