Date/Time - String or Number!



I am importing some data from a database via a VBA String.
One of the fields is a Date/Time in the form of
dd/yy/mm hh:dd:ss. I stick the string into a cell using

Set xLrngCell = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells.Item(lngRowCount, lngColCount)
xLrngCell = strFieldContents

However when I go to the spreadsheet I find that some
of the dates will not convert to their numeric value.
If I try to format them as a General number some of
them convert but others stay as strings. If I edit one
of these strings (just removing and replacing one character)
it will "become" OK.

What is going on?



Ooopppssss - error error - Apols..

Date format is dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss.... Doh....
Must have had a brain failure....
Getting too old for all this high powered programming.... :)

Dates are all reasonable...

24/06/2002 0:33:18
24/06/2002 0:34:41
17/07/2002 8:51:06
08/03/2002 6:42:28
08/04/2002 0:22:08
08/04/2002 1:15:01

You are probably on the right track though...
The top three do not convert but the bottom three do....

However - if I select the top cell, edit the 8 on the end and
replace it with an 8 it works just fine....

Thanks for your help...


Having real finger trouble today....
Dates are...

24/06/2002 10:33:18
24/06/2002 10:34:41
17/07/2002 18:51:06
08/03/2002 16:42:28
08/04/2002 10:22:08
08/04/2002 11:15:01



You say that the date is in dd/mm format. Is this the format that
your date is set? It is possible that it is treating the dates as
mm/dd and that some are therefore not possible dates.


01/01 is 1 Jan in dd/mm and mm/dd
15/01 is 15 Jan in dd/mm but not a date in mm/dd so will be treated
as text.


RzB wrote


It would appear that excel is not converting the dates that look
like they may be in error if they were mm/dd rather than dd/mm.
Why should this be? Settings are obviously correct as shown
by simple editing of cell with same data.
Am I missing something?

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