I have the same question as one of authors submitted about the problem in
converting the Timestamp format into a normal date format and I found answer
as listed below. However I couldn't get it worked ?? Please help.
My field is a text field from an imported file, and I am using Access 2003,
Select Query to run the date format on a new field from the table.
If it is a text field then you need --
Val(Right(Left([YourField],10),2)&"/"& Val(Left([YourField],4))
The existing question from the
converting the Timestamp format into a normal date format and I found answer
as listed below. However I couldn't get it worked ?? Please help.
My field is a text field from an imported file, and I am using Access 2003,
Select Query to run the date format on a new field from the table.
If it is a text field then you need --
Val(Right(Left([YourField],10),2)&"/"& Val(Left([YourField],4))
The existing question from the