The cell fill color is black and the font is white, if the date show is long
before it expires I want it to remain white, at 90-days before the date
shown, it turns green.
I have tried this and I don't get the desired result as express above:
Select the col B | go to format | conditional formatting | condition 2 -
is =B1>(TODAY()-90) | color is picked | and close with, ok
What is happening is the date is turning green if it is before the date shown
before it expires I want it to remain white, at 90-days before the date
shown, it turns green.
I have tried this and I don't get the desired result as express above:
Select the col B | go to format | conditional formatting | condition 2 -
is =B1>(TODAY()-90) | color is picked | and close with, ok
What is happening is the date is turning green if it is before the date shown